Hi Everyone,
I just had to send an extra post today. The new Mini Catalog is live as well as Sell-a-bration. So lots of goodies. I’m also having a special deal with me. If you spend $40 with me, I will send you the file that created this gorgeous Important Dates perpetual Event Calendar booklet that you can print and decorate at home. I record birthday’s and anniversary’s on it. I have 4 birthdays on Feb 3rd, so I have to write small, lol! Mine is laminated, but it doesn’t have to be. You can have it bound at Kinkos or Staples for very little. They make super gifts.
And most exciting is Sale-a-bration.  For every $50 you purchase, you get one Level 1 choice in the brochure I’ve attached below. Some of the products are available for a $100 purchase. It’s clearly marked. These items are only as long as they last and unfortunately,
are sold out, so check it out soon.
Sale-a-bration July-Dec 22 Catalog
There is a great join promotion too. You get $125 worth of product of your choice, and free shipping (11% value). I know, you don’t want to teach classes or have to sell anything. The great thing is that you don’t have to. You can join (see details at the end of the brochure above) and never do another thing. There isn’t a penalty, and I can assure you, I’m not going to expect anything from you. Or you can join and stay in for the 20% discount. Let me know if you have any questions.
Shop with me at my online Store HEREÂ
Email me at jandufour@yahoo.com
Thanks, have a great weekend.