513.708.5561 jandufour@yahoo.com

Free Templates and More

Here are the links to some free things from ME!

What’s inside 1

What’s inside 2

EOS Twist top Template   This template is from this blog:  EOS Lip Balm Container with Swirl Top

5-x-3.5-Note-Card-Box    This template is from this blog:  Envelope box for Note Cards

5 x 7 Gift Pouch  This template is from this blog:  5 x 7 Pouch or Envelope 

Note to place inside of an unmarked card so you can pass it on:  Here’s a Card!

Wish list to track all the things you want:  Wish list with 2 logos

A Tonal Chart so you can track what colors you like to use for skin tones:  TONAL_CHART_0122_ENG

Easel Card instructions to add to a card, so the person receiving it knows to display it Easel Card

Stamp Positioner video: HERE

Card and Envelope Sizes:  Cards and Envelope Template Multiples

5 x 7 Envelope with 12 x 12 and 8-1/2 x 11 Paper  Envelopes.  Find the Video here  HERE